Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Peak to Aberdeen ends in total darkness 山頂往香港仔: 走出黑暗

When you are in a ferry in Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, you will see the Peak on Hong Kong island and the Peak Tower at the mountain valley of the Peak. My impression of the Peak dated back to the 60s when I was a small child. I remembered that I saw the Peak when I was taking the Star Ferry to Hong Kong.  The Peak tram was seen climbing slowly in the mountain.

The Lugard Road meandering around the hill was the popular trail for the visitors to see the beautiful Hong Kong scenes. Now the stone forest has emerged tremendously, the Peak tram and the Lugard plank road are no longer visible. In order to view the beautiful scenes of the Victoria Harbor, I visited the famous Hong Kong Trail, starting from the Lugard Road at the Peak at noon.  I  continued my trip to Harlect Road and Hong Kong Trail to Pokfulam Reservoir. My planned destination was Aberdeen Reservoir. However, as I had not reached the destination of Aberdeen at dusk, I changed my journey before night as the mountain trail would be in total darkness! I was heading toward Pokfulam Road near Wah Fu Estate with the use of my iPhone flashlight for lighting. After struggling my way in 25 minutes, I finally got to the Pokfulam Road at 6:30pm. The end of the journey to escape from the darkness was exiting and unforgettable!

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, Nikon GP-1 GPS
AF-DX 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Nikon AW-100 compact camera
iPhone 5 


從維多利亞港乘搭渡海小輪,會看見整個太平山,山峽間有塔形建築凌霄閣,俗稱「老襯亭」。我對山頂的印像始於孩提的60年代,第一次乘坐天星小輪,在船上望見太平山,當年港島半山仍未有太多的豪宅高廈,所以很清楚見到纜車在半山爬行。盧吉道在半山繞山而行,成為遊人漫步觀賞維港兩岸景色的熱門道路。現在,由於半山及港島都是石屎森林,已經難以看到半山的纜車和環山的盧吉道棧道了! 我在中午12時開始在山頂盧吉道起行,轉夏力道,再沿港島經往薄扶林水塘,目的地是經港島徑2號往香港仔。可惜黃昏時份仍未到達目的地,天色已晚,山徑漆黑一片,馬上要改變行程往薄扶林道置富花園方向走。我要依頼手機的電筒軟件照明,花了25分鐘到6時半方抵達薄扶林道。最後一段走出黑暗的旅程是緊張而難忘的!

The Peak ● 山頂

The Peak Tower and the square

The Peak Tower in 1972 had a Chinese, a western restaurants and shopping centre.  The lower level was the Peak Tram terminal. The Peak Lookout restaurant was on the left (archive photo).
1972年的「老襯亭」,內有中餐廳爐峰酒樓、西餐廳凌霄閣及購物商場,下層為纜車站。太平山餐廳在左面 (檔案照片)。

The Peak Tower in 2012 as seen from the Victoria Harbor is viewed closely from the Lugard Road.
2012年在盧吉道近看凌霄閣背面, 也是在維港望見的一面!

An old peak team was displayed at the plaza in the Peak

Gazing out from the shopping centre

The Peak Lookout, a historical restaurant at the Peak and was accorded as Grade 2 status by the Antiquities Advisory Board of Hong Kong in 1981.  The interior has been changed but the building remains the same.

Lugard Road ● 盧吉道

Lugard Road

A singing bird found on Lugard Road

Lugard Road meanders on the mid level

A section of the Lugard Road was a plank road as seen in the early days.

The same section of the plank road was captured in 2012

Strolling on the plank road

A plank road built on the cliff

The lamp is barely visible as the plank road is immersed in the dense plants in the hill.

Green algae on trunk

Colorful ships were sailing fast off the Western District of Hong Kong

An ancient and elegant lamp post

Harlect Road ● 夏力道

The park at the junction of Lugard and Harlect in panorama

The cliff rock on Harlect Road

A yellow flower

Lung Fu Shan viewpoint

The pill-box at the end of the Harlect Road.  A number of batteries, pillboxes and shelters were constructed on Hong Kong island to defend against the Japanese threat during the war from 1936 to 1941.
夏力道盡頭處的機槍堡。為了防禦日軍的威脅﹐ 香港英軍在1936至1941年間港島沿岸建造防禦設施如機槍堡等。

Hong Kong Trail Section 1 ● 港島徑1段

The descending Hong Kong Trail Section 1

Buildings of Queen Mary Hospital

The sea off the Kennedy Town of the Western District

A distance post points at the Queen Mary Hospital

An ancient classic building on the hill-slope

Passing by a water supply plant

Potfulam Reservoir

Hong Kong Trail Section 2 ● 港島徑2段

Tranquil scene on the Hong Kong Trail Section 2

A panoramic view

Images of trees

Lamma Island at dusk

Gazing over the high rises at Pokfulam

The evening at Aberdeen city centre at 5:56pm
下午5時56分: 俯瞰香港仔市中心夜景

At 6pm, I was still hurry my way down from the hill before the coming of the night.
下午6時: 夜幕已低垂,我仍在半山趕路。

6:04pm:  It was totally dark on the trail.
下午6時04分: 天色已黑,沒有路燈的山路已是漆黑一片!

6:07pm:  it was totally dark within a minute!
下午6時07分: 不到一分鐘,已伸手不見五指。

6:24pm:  after struggling my way in the dark, I finally arrived at the Pokfulam Road in 24 minutes!

Click to open more photos 點擊更多照片》

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

The temple of the Lords of the Three Mountains 三山國王廟

The temple of the Lords of the Three Mountains is in Ngau Chi Wan Village on the eastern Kowloon Peninsular. It is a small temple that is of double significance to me.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Colors and shapes in Choi Hung Estate 彩虹的形與色

I was brought up in Ngau Chi Wan village. In front of the village was a vast piece of farmland where the Choi Hung Estate was built. That is why I have a deep impression of Choi Hung Estate.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Timely snow in the Year of Snake 蛇年瑞雪

Wish you all the best 
in the Year of Snake
蛇年瑞雪 ● 如意吉祥

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reminiscing Ngau Chi Wan Village 情繫牛池灣村

Ngau Chi Wan Village is located on the eastern Kowloon Peninsular, facing Kowloon Bay and old Kai Tak Airport in the south, Fei Ngor Shan at the back in the north and Lion Rock Hill in the west. It was a farming village of Hakka dialect and was near the waterfront. The population was over 200 in early days.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The fading of Nga Tsin Wai Tsuen 正在湮滅的衙前圍村

Nga Chin Wai Tsuen (lit. "walled village in front of the local bureaucrat's office") the only walled village retaining the original clans, is facing the fate of demolition. It is in the San Po Kong areas in Hong Kong. The Nga was built in 1570 comprising of Chan, Ng and Lee clans, with a history of over 400 years. It is the oldest historical village.